2015-2016 Capital Project Descriptions
Select Capital Project Descriptions
Richard S. Wasielewski Water Treatment Plant: Phase 3 – Facility Improvements
With Phase 2 – Water Quality Upgrade and Membrane Filtration Retrofit winding down the focus becomes Phase 3 – Facility Improvements. The Phase 3 scope is intended to restore and enhance the brick-and-mortar aspects of the RSW WTP Campus facilities. The project will address limestone, brick, the dome, and other structural and architectural elements to keep EWW’s primary WTP in a well-maintained operating condition. The laboratory facilities will be moved to this location and interior improvements to the restrooms, office areas, and interior historic architecture (such as the Rotunda) will be included. Numerous paving, HVAC and lighting improvements are also required. For economies of scale, brick repointing and select windows replacement will occur at the 12th & Myrtle complex. Also included is plaster work at the Chestnut WTP rotunda and the Low Service Pump Station.
Cherry Street Pump Station Improvements
The pump station was last renovated in the early 90’s with the addition of the South Booster pumps. The West and East portions of the station remain untouched, and improvements are needed as equipment has aged. Future pumping needs are being evaluated as part of the Master Plan Update although it has already been established that increased capacity and flexibility is needed. The improvements encompass renovations to the mechanical and electrical systems, as well as the building structure.
East Lake Road Water Main Replacement (Smithson – Walbridge)
In 2014, the project replaced 5,300 feet of 12-inch water main from Smithson Avenue to Walbridge Drive along East Lake Road in Lawrence Park and Harborcreek. Work included replacing the 12-inch water main across 6 Mile Creek along Iroquois Avenue. 2015 funds will address any restoration issues that may be needed as well as final payment to Mendon Pipeline.
East Lake Road Water Main Replacement (Walbridge – Irvine)
The project will replace 6,600 feet of 12-inch water main from Walbridge Drive to Irvine Drive along East Lake Road in Harborcreek. This work is a continuation of the 16-inch water main installation which will eventually be installed to Bartlett Road.
East Lake Road Water Main Replacement (Irvine – Bartlett)
The project will replace 6,700 feet of 12-inch water main from Irvine Drive to Bartlett Road along East Lake Road in Harborcreek. This work will complete the 16-inch water main installation from East Lake / Iroquois to Bartlett Road.
Hannon Road Prv
This project funds the installation of a Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) at the boundary between East Booster Pressure District (EBPD) and High Service Pressure District (HSPD) at the intersection of Hannon Road and Markwood Drive. This would feed water from EBPD into HSPD in the event of a main break on Buffalo Road. Design and permitting will be completed in 2015, with a 2016 construction.
Lexington Water Main Extension
The project extended 550 feet of 8-inch water main from Dudley Street to the dead end at Bryant Street. EWW Engineering staff designed and permitted the project, and the Distribution Department installed the main in November 2014. Final restoration costs will be incurred in 2015.
East 12th Street Water Main Replacement (Bayfront – Downing)
The project will replace 5,500 feet of 12-inch water main from the Bayfront Parkway to Downing Avenue along East 12th Street. The line is in PENNDOT shoulder and restoration costs are exorbitant during the winter months.
Wagner Avenue Water Main Replacement (Buffalo – Pearl)
This project will replace 1,400 feet of 6-inch water main, originally installed in 1913, with 12-inch along Wagner Avenue between Buffalo Road and Pearl Avenue. EWW will partner with FMC Technologies on this project as they are desirous of obtaining improved fire protection. FMC is the global leader for the energy industry providing oil service equipment for sophisticated systems and products such as measurement solutions. EWW will supply the pipe and FMC will fund the construction.
Ponderosa Drive Water Main Extension
The project will extend 1,700 feet of 8-inch water main along Ponderosa Drive. EWW has surveyed the area and responses have been favorable. Base plans were obtained at no cost from the Summit Township Sewer Authority which avoided a $12,000 expense. Sewers were recently installed in the area. EWW staff will design and bid the project in early 2015. If bids are favorable, agreements will be executed with project participants and construction will occur.
Water Main Looping Projects
Revisions to the Environmental Protection Agencies (EPA) Total Coliform Rule (TRC) will likely result in a requirement to maintain a minimum of 0.3 mg/l chlorine residual at all points in the distribution system. Presently, 0.02 mg/l is permitted. This change will push utilities to loop dead ends and install more water quality stations that expel water in order to keep chlorine residuals acceptable. EWW staff, in concert with the Master Plan efforts of KLH, will identify locations in the distribution system to loop mains to improve the water quality parameters.
Eastern East Booster Pressure District Secondary Feed
The eastern portion of the East Booster Pressure District is feed by a single water main along Cooper Road. The secondary feed will provide for greater continuity of service to EWW customers in this area.
East 38th Street Water Main Replacement (Pine – East)
In 2003, EWW replaced 12-inch water main between State Street and Pine Avenue. In concept, the design will cover East 38th between Pine and East Avenue, though portions of Pine may be replaced as well. An evaluation will be complete in early 2015.
Large Meter / UME Change Out Program
The Meter Department produces an annual listing of aging 1.5” to 12” meters to be exchanged. This includes Commercial, multi-unit Housing, and Industrial accounts. The 2015 budget includes 75– 1.5” and 50– 2” meters. The Unitized Measuring Element (UME) is the measuring chamber of existing Neptune Compound or Turbine meters. The UMEs associated with aging meters are replaced each year which allows EWW to maximize revenues at 1/3rd the cost of a new meter. 2015 UME change outs include 10– 3”, 20– 4”, 20– 6”, 4– 8”, and 2- 10” meters.
Meter Installation Program
Funding covers the cost of Radio Read Meter Units and installations for new construction in all classes of customer accounts (Residential, Commercial, Public, and Manufacturing). As services are installed and construction is completed, the Meter Department provides and installs an appropriate meter. 2015 includes metering in Public Housing, new housing in Harborcreek, Millcreek, Summit, and McKean, along with new construction for Commercial & Manufacturing.
Radio Read Meter Program
This project continues the systematic change out of aged meters and installing a new wireless Ecoder R-900i Radio Read Meter. EWW presently has approximately 22,000 Radio Read Units in place. Areas where work will occur include Erie, Summit and Millcreek Township, Public Housing Complexes, Meter Pits, and high traffic areas of the system.
South Booster Storage Tank
The Southwest Master Plan completed by Tetra Tech in 2011 identified a future need for additional storage in the South Booster Pressure District. Development southwest and north of the tank makes it an opportune time to acquire property adjacent to the existing 1.0 MG tank.
McKean Storage Tank
The McKean Pressure District is supplied with water transmitted through the STWA water system. This outlying service area does not have a storage tank to provide for emergencies such as main breaks, power outages, or supplemental fire protection. Funding will provide for the purchase of property needed to construct the tank.
Sigsbee Reservoir Cover & Liner Replacement
The floating cover on the 33 MG Sigsbee Reservoir was installed in 1994. The 20-year warranted cover is showing signs of wear and the 2014 KLH study concluded that the cover is at or near the end of its useful life and repairs are not possible. 2015 funds cover design and construction.
Valve Replacement Program
Distribution has prioritized main line valve replacements using GIS information. Most were identified from prior year’s Comprehensive System Maintenance Program (CSMP) and through daily Department activities. Valves will be added to the list as the 2015 CSMP proceeds. The goal is to replace 95 main line valves.
Hydrant Replacement Program
Distribution will prioritize hydrant replacements using GIS information and the non-drainer list. Hydrants will be added as the 2015 CSMP project proceeds and through daily Department activities. New hydrants installed in the system are included in this line item. The goal is to replace or install 55 hydrants.
Service Replacement Program
Distribution will identify and prioritize service line renewals using GIS information. This program specifically targets services that are identified as wrought iron or leaking. Additional services requiring immediate attention and wrought iron services associated with delinquency dig outs will be added throughout 2015. New services installed in the existing distribution system will also be installed under this project. The goal is to renew or install 200 service lines.
Air Release Valve Replacement Program
This program will assess the condition of and replace EWW’s 200 existing air release valves as needed. New valves will be installed at key locations such as high points where air will accumulate. Properly located air release valves help protect the system and reduce main breaks. The goal is to replace 20 existing air release valves. Additionally, EWW will install 5 new air release valves as identified in the upcoming Water System Master Plan.
Surge Relief Valve Program
This program will assess where surge relief valves should be located to relieve excessive pressures that may occur when water hammer is introduced into the system. Placing surge relief valves in the water distribution system allows for water hammer / pressure surges to be fully or partially relieved in order to reduce any negative impacts such as main breaks. The goal will be to identify and install one new surge relief valve as identified in the Water System Master Plan.
Large Main Air Release Valve Project
The A, B, & C water mains vary in size from 54-inch to 20-inch. KLH is performing an assessment of the existing air release valves on large mains which includes identifying optimal locations for new valves and replacement of inoperable valves. Air within water system piping contributes to main breaks. The goal is to identify, install, and repair air release valves identified in the KLH report. This work may be contracted out depending on the complexity.
Water Quality Stations
Permitting and planning continues for the installation of blow offs and sample stations. Installation of new and replacement units is expected to continue in 2015. These assets are critical to ensuring water quality is in compliance with regulations. Blow Off Sample Stations (BOSS units) are being installed in lieu of the Automatic System Flushers. The goal is to replace or install 15 new BOSS units.
Master Plan Update
KLH Engineers continues to work on the Water System Master Plan update, which should be complete by mid-2015. An updated master plan will allow Staff and the Board to review EWW’s strategic capital objectives to best plan for the future.
Facilities Security
Funding will provide access control, intrusion detection, and fire detection and alarming at the Chestnut WTP and West Booster Tanks as part of the 2014 project completion. The 2015 endeavor will include additional access control, etc. at several remote facilities including tanks and pump stations.
Scada Improvements (Pressure Reducing Valves)
This project will tie all system control valves into the SCADA system. Nine of EWW’s remote Pressure Reducing/Sustaining Valves are not connected to the SCADA system. Information such as upstream and downstream pressure, valve position, and flow rates would allow for better operational decisions and system troubleshooting.
John J. McCormick Jr. Administration Building And 12th Street Emergency Power
The project will install a permanent emergency generator to power the John J. McCormick Jr. Administration Building and allow for a portable generator to be connected to the 12th/Myrtle Offices which house the Engineering, Distribution, and Meter Departments. Uninterrupted power would be extremely beneficial at both locations to ensure normal operations can be continued.
John J. McCormick Jr. Administration Building Improvements (Phase 1)
The project includes carpeting, painting, and window replacement at the John J. McCormick Jr. Administration Building. Security cameras will be added in the lobby as well as access control on the elevator and door to the stairwell.
John J. McCormick Jr. Administration Building Improvements (Phase 2)
The project includes HVAC and lighting improvements at the John J. McCormick Jr. Administration Building. Work will upgrade lighting to LED fixtures which will include all the troffers and can-lights in the drop ceilings. A payback in 3-5 years is expected on the investment. LED lighting reduces electrical usage and repair and labor costs as fixture life is 20+ years. Heating and A/C effectiveness and efficiency needs to be improved as well.
Chestnut WTP Wash Water Tank Roof Project
Funding will correct the failing roof and internal structure of the wash water tank. The condition of the wash tank is poor, and areas of the ceiling have fallen into the tank and in some cases, structural rebar is exposed. The internal walls of the tank will need to be addressed and recoated.
Chestnut WTP Low Service PS – Sewer Pump Replacement
The current pump float tree and rails are 16 years old. The pumps are manufactured in Switzerland and are expensive to replace or repair. If one of the pumps needs to be replaced, the lead time on the pump is approximately 12 weeks. The current unit is outdated and should be replaced with an electronic tree that does not utilize floats which can become entangled. Replacement of this system will reduce future repairs as well as down time on parts. A new system would be made in USA and have easier and enhanced ability for repairs and parts.
RSW WTP Metering Enhancements
The addition of flow meters for PACL and Ferric Chloride will provide a greater control of chemical into each half of the basin feeds. This will allow for more precise optimization of not only the feed chemicals but of the flocculation and sedimentation process which will be critical when used in conjunction with the membranes.
Reverse 911 Customer Notification System
In 2011, EWW partnered with Erie County Public Safety to expand their existing system and allow EWW to use the Reverse 911 telephone service to notify customers of emergencies or planned work. Funding provides for EWW’s annual contribution plus additional minutes. The system allows EWW to comply with PA DEP Public Notification requirements. Please register for alerts today!
Customer Service Call Center
Customer Service (CS) is seeking increased efficiency for incoming phone calls. CS representatives’ field 255 incoming calls/day and EWW handles 490 total calls/day. At times, customers must wait on-hold for long periods. A central call center can direct incoming call to the proper Department and an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system will direct customers with call-in payments to make them without having to wait or tying up CS representatives. Also included is an outbound delinquency calling system which will deliver automated messages to customers, saving postage costs. Approximately $60,000/year is spent on postage for delinquency notices.
RSW WTP Low Service Pump Station VFD Addition
Currently there are no variable frequency drives (VFD) on any of the Low Service pumps at the RSW WTP. On Low Service Pump 212, a 24-inch variable discharge valve is capable of varying the flow. The continued use of this pump at reduced flows is causing two concerns including 1) the cost for running the pump is much higher than for a VFD, and 2) damage to the pump volute, impeller and housing are going to cause premature failure for this pump.