Easement Agreement

Located at our West 12th Street facility, our Engineering Services Department oversees Capital Project planning and implementation, the development of service area expansion, construction and water main extension projects, as well as field inspections. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM except for holidays. You may complete this form by either filling out the form fields below or by downloading the PDF document and sending it in via email or paper mail.

  • Engineering, Distribution, & Meter Service Center
  • 240 West 12th St.
  • Erie, Pennsylvania 16501
  • 814.870.8000

Temporary Construction Easement Agreement

" " indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Property Information

Temporary Construction Easement Agreement Statement

The owner(s) of property listed in the fields above in Erie County at the address listed above, located in the City of Erie, Erie County and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hereinafter referred to as “Grantor”


ERIE WATER WORKS, an authority created under and by virtue of the Municipality Authorities Act, as amended, with its’ principal office located in the City of Erie, Erie County and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hereinafter referred to as “Grantee”.

The Grantor does hereby give and grant unto the Grantee, a temporary construction easement to allow for personnel and equipment for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of the water service line at the address listed above. Said construction easement shall cease to exist 18 months after construction is completed. The Grantee will restore the property to a similar condition as existed prior to construction.

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the privileges aforesaid to the Grantee, its heirs and assigns and successors forever. Grantor does hereby covenant and agree with the said Erie Water Works that they are lawfully seized and possessed in fee simple and have a right to make this conveyance. Grantor does further covenant and bind themselves, their heirs and representatives to warrant specially and forever defend the right of the Grantee to the foregoing easement against the claim of all persons whomsoever.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above first written. Please sign below.
Clear Signature